Heritage for tomorrow - from understanding to enjoyment




The title of the project „Heritage for tomorrow – from understanding to enjoyment“ emerges from its main motivation and objectives: to lead young people to understanding that we cannot neglect the power of history and its heritage in the modern times because the identity, social and cultural origin of
each nation have their roots in a distant history.
One of the foundation stones of the European community is the ancient Rome, whose heritage is found in the EU countries in various fields nowadays. It exemplifies the fact that history helps understand the present, that cultural heritage connects nations and builds the future. After we realise that, we will value and enjoy it. We would like students to consider the need to respect the world, European as well as national heritage and become aware of the fact that each generation ́s mission is to protect and preserve cultural heritage for future generations.



1. Increase creativity and motivation in students and teachers.
2. Helps understand cultures, our identity and belonging to a certain group.
3. Leads to better. understanding previous generations.
4. Shows cultural diversity whose understanding develops respect to other cultures.


Schools involved:

- Gymnazium, Postova 9, Kosice (Kosice - Slovakia);

- IES BLAS DE PRADO (Camarena - Spain);

- Istituto Statale Istruzione Superiore Don Gnocchi (Maddaloni - Italy);

- Siauliu "Sauletekio" gimnazija (Siauliai - Lithuania);

- Agrupamento de Escolas de Pinheiro (Termas de S. Vicente - Portugal);

- Katolickie Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace SPSK (Wieluń - Poland).


- Amber way: from Rome to the Baltic Sea – mobility in Lithuania

- Rome: Mother culture to modern citizens – mobility in Spain

- Amber Venture – mobility in Poland

- Mathematics on the route of the Romans (Board games) – mobility in Portugal

- Dress like a Roman – mobility in Italy (did not occur dueCOVID-19)

- From Roman heritage to national heritage - mobility in WSlovakia (virtual mobility)



1. to elaborate logo, presentations, videos, photogallery, models of chief Roman buildings also presented as touring exhibitions, a map of Roman towns in partners ́ countries, a map of UNESCO relics in the region, a board game, a quiz master booklet
2. to organize debates with historians, lawyers, archaeologists, visits to museums/sites related to the topic.
3. to prepare "A Roman Day" with the aim to learn about and present Roman customs by applying "learning by doing" method.
4. to construct a project website.
5. to promote inclusion and involvement of students with special needs.


Dissemination Strategy:

The dissemination strategy mainly contemplated the use of institutional websites, social networks, etwinning platform an project website and outreach sessions with the work of students and testimonials from participants


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