The Schools have a wide variety of students showing diverse educational
needs (highly gifted and talented, low ability, at risk of social
exclusion, early school dropout, low professional qualifications,
precarious economic situation, ethnic marginalisation, …). In this
sense, it's necessary to incorporate into the classroom active
methodologies that allow students to acquire the key skills and
competencies for their integration in the environment and future
professional life, as well as make more attractive the contents that are
explained in class.
The Erasmus+ project "Proactive learning:
improving real life skills due to inclusive task-based activities" is an
educational project based on the need of three European educational
institutions to contextualize learning in the real world. All the schools
involved in it agreed to a new teaching methodology, so both
objectives - contextualizing and developing new methods - were the basis
for the project
1. Increase creativity and motivation in students and teachers.
2. Promote informal learning outside the classroom.
3. Implement a new teaching methodology based on projects in order to improve cross curricular competencies.
4. Promote inclusive education using a practical and real life based methodology.
Address talented students and students with learning difficulties with
multidisciplinary tasks: real inclusion and differentiation
6. Improve the students´results in the competences in Maths, Science and Foreign Languages.
Schools involved:
- IES Santo Domingo (El Ejido, Almería - Spain);
- Liceum Plastyczne im. Piotra Potworowskiego w Poznaniu (Poznan - Poland);
- Agrupamento de Escolas de Pinheiro (Termas de S. Vicente - Portugal).
- Diversity, a whole streng – mobility in Spain
- Games that favour inclusion (inclusive methodologies) – mobility in Portugal
- Contextualization of contents – mobility in Poland
- European projection (open, dinamic, and permeable school) – mobility in Spain
- Acquisition of the key competences – vitual meeting
1. Implementation of a new teaching methodology based on real life contexts in all the institutions.
2. Improvement in the academic results of the students involved in the project.
3. Include in our schools the European dimension of education.
4. Promote inclusion and involvement of students with special needs.
Dissemination Strategy:
The dissemination strategy mainly contemplated the use of institutional websites, social networks, etwinning platform and outreach sessions with the work of students and testimonials from participants.
Our Esrasmus+ corner
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