SUSTAINABLE FOOD CULTURE... sustainble agriculture


On November 20th, in the subject of Geology and Biology, the secundary students, from the course Ciences and Tecnlogies, with the help of their teacher, created a vegetable garden with the aim of learning how asexual reproduction happens, more specifically how to do vegetative multiplication on diferent types of vegetables and fruits. In our school garden we planted strawberry trees, garlic, physallis, chilies, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes and ginger.

With a very little space we created a little vegetable garden, and we challange other schools that are included on ERASMUS+ project and the people who are visiting this blog, to do the same, create a vegetable garden, instead of shopping products that sometimes have a lot of chemical products. If you live in an appartment or you don't have space, we created a video with solutions. Go check it!

Together we can make the difference!
