In March 2020, National Geographic Magazine published an article about “The end of trash”. One of the themes referenced in this article is the problem of food waste.

Robert Kunzig wrote about experiences that he heard about food waste and what was made to avoid or, at least, reduce it.

According to him, in 2008, the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) investigated the trash of more than 2001 Britannic families to weigh each piece of food that they throw away.

The results were unbelievable! They found out that half of the salads, a quarter of fruit, and one in three bags of vegetables ended up in the trash basket, as well as almost 400 thousand tons of potatoes per year. Britannic people are no exception. Almost 900 million euros of food is wasted, per year, all over the world.

To solve this problem, the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) launched a campaign of public relations: “Love food, hate waste”.

This campaign was a success between women, who shared tips among them. There were also adopted some rules in supermarkets.

In 2012, the quantity of wasted food dropped by 20%.

Nowadays, this problem still exists. Here is what YOU can do to fight food waste:

➔ Rethink, reduce, reuse and recycle

1. Start by rethinking: How much waste do you produce?

2. Reduce your consumption and waste: Buy only what you need (do a shopping list before you go to the supermarket);

3. Reuse: This helps decreasing waste;

4. Recycle: Give products a new life!

➔ Keep the scraps: Repurpose food scraps that you typically toss.

➔ Support good food policies.
